The Asian School, Ludhiana, has raised the bar for sports enthusiasts by offering a world-class platform to play pickleball. The school proudly boasts an 8-layer synthetic acrylic court, designed to provide an exceptional playing surface that caters to both amateurs and professionals.
A World-Class Playing Surface
The 8-layer synthetic acrylic court ensures optimal grip, durability, and shock absorption. This surface not only enhances gameplay but also minimizes the risk of injuries, making it ideal for a fast-paced sport like pickleball. The court’s high-quality design adheres to international standards, offering players the best experience in terms of speed, bounce, and precision.
Pickleball – The Fastest Growing Sport
Pickleball, a dynamic and engaging sport, combines elements of tennis, badminton, and table tennis. Its simplicity and adaptability make it suitable for all age groups. The Asian School encourages its students and the broader community to embrace this sport, promoting physical fitness, teamwork, and fun.